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9 bad safety habits (We are all guilty)

We are all guilty. Standing on a chair instead of fetching a ladder, or sneaking a glance at our phone while driving. I’ll admit it, I’ve done it, and I bet you have too. Safety habits are the routine practices we adopt to keep ourselves and those around us free from harm. But sometimes, bad safety habits can creep in, even unintentionally. They’re the small actions and decisions that, when consistently applied, can make a significant difference in preventing accidents or injuries.

However, sometimes, convenience beckons, and patience runs thin. In these moments, even the best of us can fall prey to neglecting these crucial habits. Although crucial, safety is often seen as an inconvenience or something to be addressed later. But in those fleeting moments when we take shortcuts or think, “It’ll be fine just this once,” we unknowingly put ourselves and others at risk.

In this article I will be identifying and discussing these bad habits, to raise awareness and remind ourselves of the simple steps that can safeguard our well-being.


Bad safety habits (We are all guilty)

1. Using Phones While Driving

The ever-present temptation of the smartphone ding. Just one quick glance, you think. Maybe it’s an important text or that email you’ve been waiting for. I’ve felt that pull, and I know you have too. But let’s face it: when our eyes leave the road, even for a split second, due to these bad safety habits, the stakes of an accident are high.

Did you know that according to various studies, texting while driving can impair our reaction times as much as driving under the influence? It’s a staggering thought. We wouldn’t dream of having a drink and then getting behind the wheel, yet many of us casually read a message or scroll through a feed, thinking we’re in control.

Next time that notification tone rings out, I challenge you (and myself) to resist the urge. Let’s put the phone away, focus on the journey, and remember that no message is worth risking a life.


2. Skipping the Seatbelt

I’ll confess, there have been times I’ve hopped into a car, especially for a short drive down the block, and thought, “Do I really need to buckle up this time?” Maybe you’ve felt the same way on occasion. But no matter how skilled a driver we believe we are, the truth is that we can’t predict the actions of others on the road.

Research has shown that seat belts reduce the risk of fatal injury by almost 50% for front-seat occupants during a crash. Those few seconds it takes to click the belt can literally be the difference between life and death.

We often hear stories of freak accidents close to home or on familiar roads. The reason? Overconfidence can lull us into a false sense of security. So the next time you’re tempted to skip the seatbelt, think of it as the simplest act of self-care. Promise me—and yourself—that you’ll always buckle up, no matter how short the journey.


3. Ignoring “Wet Floor” Signs

How many times have you walked into a store or building and sidestepped that bright yellow “Wet Floor” sign, confident in your balance and thinking, “I’ve got this”? I’m certainly guilty of it, and I bet there’s been a moment or two where you’ve done the same.

It seems trivial, doesn’t it? A little water on the floor. But it’s shocking how quickly a confident stride can turn into an embarrassing slip—or worse, a nasty fall. Wet surfaces can be incredibly treacherous, and that yellow sign is there for a reason.

We’re all in a hurry at times, and nobody likes to be inconvenienced. But think of the potential consequences: a sprained ankle, a broken wrist, or even just the discomfort of a bruised ego in front of onlookers. Let’s remind ourselves that safety signs exist for our protection. So next time, rather than brushing them off, let’s give them the respect they deserve and tread carefully.


4. Overloading Electrical Outlets

Picture this: you’re setting up for a cozy movie night in your room. Laptop, phone charger, lamp, space heater—there’s just one outlet nearby, but you figure, “Just this once, it’ll be fine.” I’ve been there, juggling multiple plugs and thinking I’m mastering the art of electrical multitasking. Perhaps you’ve done the same in a moment of convenience.

But here’s the stark reality: overloading an electrical outlet is a silent hazard. Even if there isn’t an immediate spark or malfunction, the strain we place on those outlets can lead to overheating, and in the worst cases, fires.

A cluttered octopus of cords might seem harmless, but the risks aren’t worth the convenience. We need to remind ourselves that electrical systems have their limits. Let’s commit to using power strips with built-in surge protectors when necessary and ensuring we give our outlets some breathing room. A safer home is, after all, a happier home.


5. Not Wearing Protective Equipment

Remember those times when you hopped on a bike without a helmet? Or maybe you were doing a quick DIY project at home and figured it was okay to skip the goggles or gloves? I can recall numerous times when I’ve rationalized that it’s just a small task, thinking, “What could go wrong?” I’m sure you’ve had similar thoughts.

Yet, it’s often during these “quick tasks” that accidents can catch us off-guard. Helmets, goggles, gloves – these aren’t just accessories; they’re shields that protect us from potential harm. A minor oversight can result in scrapes, bruises, or even severe injuries.

Wearing protective equipment might feel cumbersome or perhaps even a bit overcautious, but it’s a small price to pay for safety. Next time, before embarking on that bike ride or hammering away at a project, let’s make a pact. I’ll gear up if you do. Safety first, always.


6. Neglecting to Read Instruction Manuals

We’ve all done it: unboxed a new gadget or appliance, tossed the manual aside, and thought, “I’ve got this.” But those little booklets aren’t just filler; they offer valuable insights into safe and efficient use. Let’s not let our eagerness override safety. A quick read can spare us a lot of trouble.


7. Crossing Streets Without Checking Both Ways

It’s basic, right? Yet in a rush or with distractions, even adults forget this childhood lesson. Whether it’s a quiet street or a bustling intersection, always pause and look. Safety is a simple glance away.


8. Not Checking Smoke Detectors Regularly

It’s easy to forget about those little devices on our ceilings until they beep annoyingly. But their role is vital. A monthly button press to check their function can make all the difference. Let’s set a reminder and ensure they’re always in working order.


9. Handling Knives or Sharp Objects Carelessly

Kitchen tasks can sometimes feel like second nature, especially if you’re someone who spends a lot of time cooking or baking. My wife often found herself quickly slicing and dicing, lulled into a rhythm, and forgetting the potential danger right in her hand. And maybe, just maybe, you’ve had that moment where the knife slipped just a tad too close for comfort?

Whether it’s chopping vegetables or opening a package, it’s essential to remember that these tools, while useful, can also be hazardous when not handled with the respect they deserve. A small distraction or haste can result in cuts, some of which might be severe.

It’s always worth taking an extra moment to ensure we’re gripping the knife correctly, keeping our fingers tucked away, and ensuring our work surface is stable. And when not in use? Let’s make sure those sharp edges are safely stored away, out of reach of curious hands. After all, it’s not just about protecting ourselves, but also those around us.

More bad safety habits worth mentioning

  • Ignoring Expiry Dates: Consuming food or medicine past its expiration can pose health risks.
  • Avoiding Sunscreen: Even on cloudy days, UV rays can damage skin.
  • Leaving Candles Unattended: A potential fire hazard.
  • Overriding Electrical Grounds: Using adapters that eliminate the third prong on plugs can be risky.
  • Lifting Heavy Objects Incorrectly: Not bending knees can strain the back.
  • Walking with Headphones at High Volumes: Not being aware of one’s surroundings can be dangerous, especially near roads.
  • Storing Cleaning Supplies with Food Items: A mix-up can lead to the ingestion of harmful chemicals.
  • Not Cleaning Dryer Lint Traps: This can cause fires in-home laundry machines.
  • Improper Food Storage: Not refrigerating perishables promptly can lead to foodborne illnesses.
  • Not Setting Emergency Contacts on Phones: In a crisis, first responders can use this info to alert loved ones.



It’s easy to overlook the small things, to let daily routines or our quest for convenience push safety to the back burner. But as we’ve journeyed through these ten common missteps, I hope it’s become evident just how pivotal these moments of caution can be, especially when bad safety habits come into play. I’ve been there, and I know you have too. Each shortcut, each lapse in judgment, carries with it potential consequences.

Let’s take this reflection as a gentle reminder, a nudge towards better habits. We owe it not just to ourselves, but to our loved ones who count on us to be safe. Together, as we recognize and rectify these habits, we can make our world a tad safer, one conscious choice at a time.

Ashinedu Diamond
Ashinedu Diamond

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